JCLEC Honors Commander Brett Pointing with Tree Planting Ceremony

Mar 29, 2024

The Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) recently hosted a poignant event to bid farewell and express gratitude to Commander Brett Pointing, JCLEC's Executive Director Programs, as he concludes his service with the organization.

The Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) recently hosted a poignant event to bid farewell and express gratitude to Commander Brett Pointing, JCLEC’s Executive Director Programs, as he concludes his service with the organization.

The ceremony, held on March 18, 2024 at 9 AM, was a symbolic gesture of appreciation for Commander Brett Pointing’s invaluable contributions to JCLEC during his tenure. The tree chosen for planting was the Dewandaru tree, a powerful symbol representing enlightenment, wisdom, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life.

In his remarks, Commander Brett Pointing reflected on his time at JCLEC, expressing gratitude to various individuals who played pivotal roles in his journey. He particularly acknowledged Police Brigadier General Aby Nursetyanto, JCLEC’s Executive Director, for his guidance, friendship, and collaboration.

Additionally, Commander Brett Pointing extended his thanks to Bapak Ben Condon, Head of Education and Training Support, and Bapak Lukas Gunawan, Head of Capacity Development, as well as all members of the Indonesian National Police at JCLEC for their unwavering support.

Furthermore, Commander Brett Pointing expressed appreciation for the dedication and hard work of all JCLEC staff, emphasizing their crucial role in fostering a respectful and cooperative environment among stakeholders.

The ceremony culminated with a memorable moment as Commander Brett Pointing posed for a photo alongside Police Brigadier General Aby Nursetyanto, capturing the spirit of camaraderie and gratitude that permeated the event.
